Forum #2: Amnesty Offer to Boko Haram.. (Y) OR (N)


So I heard, mind you, I said I heard…. anyways… I heard our president, President Goodluck Jonathan is offering amnesty to the Boko Haram sect.

Good news shey? Just chill and see what he is offering….

  • A house
  • 3 million cash and
  • #100,000 monthly for the next three years.

So my friends and I engaged in a discussion/argument on whether the amnesty offer made any sense at all.

I (my opinion) was with the notion that it was a start. At least a solution had finally been brought up. My friends said i was nuts and that he has just made terrorism a lucrative job. Hilarious right? Not exactly people.

Terrorism is not child’s play.. Christains and families of people who have lost their lives due to it would attest to that, so we at Damstylee have put it up as a forum topic/question;

The Amnesty Offer made to the Boko Haram sect: Are we on the right path or are we still lost?


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Mike Dammy