Pre- Valentine day special: Soul Tattoo



Yeah, yeah, Val’s day is on the horizon… cool story…

Okay, just so you know, I’ve not written on a topic like this in ages but I’ll give it a try, it’s not as if you gonna stop me anyways…

Keep this in mind “Love is a cliché“… Please lets be innovative like am gonna be now.



Ever listened to Plus One’s “Soul Tattoo”? If you haven’t, I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve missed out on something awesome but then you can always catch up. If you’re expecting a link, That’s one…. 😀

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Moving on, that song used to get me going about 2-3 years ago. It was a love song for God, but you know how they can sound, my mind converted it to a romantic love song, you know, the kind that reminds you of your spouse when its being played; works better if it’s a crush you have.

Sha sha, I forgot about the song and moved on, the girl didn’t gba (Cool story). Three years later, about six days ago, I encountered this song again on my ITunes playlist (come to think of it.. out of 7992 songs and this one came up.. what are the odds of that happening? Perhaps this was destiny?), and then it got me thinking; I loved this song then cos I loved God and more cos I had this massive crush on one wonderful babe, the same thing’s kind of happening now; I love God more than ever and I have another crush again (Destiny? Maybe? but that’s not where am headed so clear your mind, this aint some Indian movie.)

Back to the song; its titled “Soul Tattoo” and true, the lyrics talk about the artist having God as the centre of his life, more like his strong tower. One he couldn’t do without or hide just like a normal body tattoo or more prominently, a permanent face tattoo. You probably know the stigma (elation maybe) that comes with one having a permanent tattoo on your face or some part  of your body that cant be hidden. That’s the same feeling the Group who sang the song proclaim they have for God, the same one I had for God and the girl 3 years ago. I mean, come on, I liked her, really much and even though she never knew (she did actually, that what blew it… all thanks to African China’s “if you love somebody, walk up to her and tell her you love her”… she was a big part of my life, a facade on my personality, one I always wanted to impress, unfortunately, same thing is happening again. I don’t have China’s song anymore, so am safe :D. Enough of me playing around, the main issue here is Val’s day is here alright, you love him/her, but…

Are you a tattoo on your spouse’s soul?

Does the person live to make you happy or are you just a page in his/her catalog of shining knights/ Barbie dolls?

Does he think about you or are you an afterthought?

Would he gladly say “Yes, I have a girlfriend!” when that hot girl asks him out?

Would he take a bullet for you or would he volunteer to take the shot for the shooter?

All these questions should plague your mind and help you decide if he/she’s worth it and if you’re in already, if he/she’s worth sticking to. If the person isn’t and you hang on cos of your feelings, you should get ready to be slyed but then you should know this already.

Finally, having God as a tattoo permanently imprinted on our souls is not an option, same way is having a spouse or lover that’s not worth it shouldn’t be an option either.

The earlier you realize this, the better your chances of ending up with someone who does deserve you. And for no reason whatsoever should you bypass or compromise yourself just so you would feel loved this “love season”… If you don’t have a special somebody, feel free to stay single and learn things about yourself, trust me, the mood of that day would help. Or you can just join me as I’ll sit on my bed and  watch a couple of movies #TeamSingle… but then I have 5 days left, who knows? She might pop up from somewhere… the odds of that are still slim though… 😦

Anyways, for you “Married”, “Engaged”, “Committed” and “In a relationship” folks, Happy Valentine’s day in advance!



If you’re the one spending (I mean the guys -_-), God would enlarge your coast… or else… *lips sealed*……….

For the people getting pampered with gifts and presents, I envy you…. Nah… just joking… 😛

For every other person that’s single, Keep calm, Next year is still there.



Any thing I say from here cannot be used against me whatsoever… :P….

*In an infant’s voice*

I want to make a shout out to my own guys… the couples in my clique… Tk & Ola, AK & Farida, Banky & Kome, Moyo & Kim, Lexy & Rute, Ineye & Debby, Seun & Bimbo, Damola & Titi… and the rest and rest of them. They are plenty o… #whew!… Anyway, I wish you guys happy err… you know what I mean sha… They are all CU peeps by the way.

To the guys on my side of the fence; Toban Sellars!, Jesse, Kola, Dapson, Tsukie P!, Mike, Ife Nayo, Lanre Koolkidd (If i hear!), Ayobee, Moji… Its all good.. We’ll sha marry one day, abi we go die single?

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We might not post anything for a while now. Exams and all that but we’ll be back soon. Promise! 😀

Thank you for Reading.


MIke Dammy

25 thoughts on “Pre- Valentine day special: Soul Tattoo

  1. it got me laffn too. hian, the end tho buh like u said we will all find dat special somebody who will change our lives. happy valentine’s day in advance. thanks 4 always giving us somefn to think about thru ur write-ups. 😉


  2. I know the soul tattoo song. I still have it and I love it. I’m glad you took a different angle to talk about love than most people do. It got me thinking real deep. by the way, as someone who has been in love for 12years and been with the same man for 10, I’ll tell you categorically that love is not a cliché. It is a phenomenon that moves beyond reason or human understanding. It is of God and that is why the world fights it and tries to distort it by bringing its own meaning. It is not a cliché.


    • Wow… 10 years.. wonderful..
      Actually, Love isn’t a cliche, that’s not I was inferring. I just meant people could be innovative with the way they express it… The Expression’s the cliche, not Love itself.


  3. Lovely writeup …p.s i jis downloaded the song too, im lucky i have someone that has all these attributes and im glad i met him, for the #teamsingle people, God will bless you with that person you cant do without.. 😀


  4. ha, i guess i will take your hope for it, next year is there but who knows right before vals day i might just leave you at that side of the fence, nah go singles!. nice one.


  5. Yay! Val’s day again…. Err… Should be expecting my spoil….from my parents… 😀
    I liked that you saw the whole ‘val and love’ thing in a different light, plus the ‘making God the permanent tatoo on our hearts’ I like! 😉


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